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New Horizon Farm and Dairy


Dairy Products: Grass Fed, Milk

LOCAL MILK delivered to your doorstep from the only approved supplier of Grade-A milk with an IMS Listing! Happy Cows is a creamery located at New Horizon Farm, using local milk from our own farm. Whole milk is bottled and processed right after morning and evening milkings. Our milk averages a 4.2% butterfat from our grass-fed cows. The milk is non-homogenized and minimally processed, using a gentle, low heat pasteurization process that preserves the flavor. Because the milk is non-homogenized, cream will rise to the top. This requires shaking well before drinking or skimming the cream off the top. ** Our milk is stamped with a "Sell By" date, meaning that you should receive your milk before the date stamped on the bottle. If delivered and stored correctly, your milk will be good for 10-14 days past the "Sell By" date**USA / Ohio / Clinton County

Whole milk

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  • You must login or register to ask questions in the product forum.
    Q: I see that someone asked about creamer and half and half. We would be interested in that if it were offered. We have been buying your milk exclusively for about 6 months and love it.

    A: 'We are glad that you are enjoying our milk! At this time, we are planning on adding yogurt and drinkable yogurt before we add any cream or half and half. When we do, I will certainly send you a message and let you know!'

    May 19th, 2024 person_outline Amanda A.
    Q: Do you ever offer cream or half-&-half? I love your milk, reminds me of the beautiful milk we used to get delivered to our porch every couple mornings when I was young.

    A: 'So glad that you are enjoying our milk! At this time, we are not planning to process cream or half & half, but if enough customers are interested, we will definitely consider adding it to our offering.'

    February 20th, 2024 person_outline Maureen B.
    Q: What is the temp and length of time for your pasteurization process.

    A: 'Hello. we pasteurize or regular milk at 146 degrees, flavored milks at 151 degrees and egg nog at 156 degrees. The pasteurization process takes up to an hour for 45 gallons, since we use a slow-heat process to preserve the "good" bacteria in the milk.'

    December 21st, 2023 person_outline Gordon I.
    Q: Is this milk in any store locally?

    A: 'Visit our Facebook page New Horizon Farm & Happy Cows Creamery for a list of our current retail locations. If you are not on Facebook, I can email the list to you. Thanks!'

    November 7th, 2023 person_outline Miranda J.
    Q: Hi there! My family really likes your milk - do you ever process 1% or 2% or have plans to in the future?

    A: 'Currently, we only have the equipment to process whole milk. As we grow, we will certainly consider input from our customers on products to add to our offerings. Thank you for shopping local and supporting our family farm!'

    October 19th, 2023 person_outline Caleb M.
    Q: can i pick milk up at westchester hub?

    A: 'The West Chester Hub does not currently have a public pick-up option.'

    July 28th, 2023 person_outline Charles H.
    Q: Is this milk from grass fed sources?

    A: 'Our milk comes from cows that have access to pasture 24/7 throughout the year. We also supplement their pasture during the wintertime with hay and silage that is grown right here on our farm. This keeps the herd healthy and productive when the pasture is dormant.'

    July 14th, 2023 person_outline Cody M.
    Q: Is this A1 or A2 milk?

    A: 'Our herd is not certified as A2/A2. The cows we milk are a mixture of A1 and A1/A2.'

    June 21st, 2023 person_outline Christina S.
    Q: Hi, I’m wondering why a question I asked on here earlier in 2020 has been reposted as the most recent post and dated January 28, 2021. I did not ask this recently. Thanks

    A: 'I am not sure, either! When I look on my dashboard, the question was asked and answered in June 2020. I will definitely ask MarketWagon about this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!'

    May 16th, 2023 person_outline Stephanie Q.
    Q: I bought a half gallon of your regular milk to try out. It tastes very good. What puzzles me is that it is supposed to be non-homogenized but no cream has been at the top at any time, not even after sitting untouched for 2 days. So, I’m thinking either it IS homogenized or else there was little to no cream in it. Am I wrong? TIA for your response

    A: 'Our milk is definitely non-homogenized, using a slow, low-heat pasteurization process. We bottle our milk prior to MarketWagon deliveries, which means that the milk may need to sit a bit longer than a day or two to separate. Plus, our herd is made up of Holstein and Ayrshire cattle...these breeds typically have a lower butterfat percentage in production than other breeds.'

    April 8th, 2023 person_outline Stephanie Q.
    Q: What is experation date on milk

    A: That is a good question! Up to 2 weeks from the date of purchase is when we believe our milk is at it’s best, if the milk is refrigerated appropriately.

    February 26th, 2023 person_outline Pat g.
    Q: Is the milk stored in plastic or glass containers?

    A: The milk is bottled in plastic jugs.

    February 25th, 2023 person_outline Elizabeth L.
    Q: I didn’t receive my 1 gallon whole milk non homogenized. I was billed for it.

    A: I will forward your message to MarketWagon. As the vendor, we are not responsible for the delivery or billing for customers, but I will certainly make sure that this is taken care of -Jackie

    February 25th, 2023 person_outline Tonya W.
    star star star star star

    format_quoteMy toddler loves this milk and it’s a treat for my husband and I drink it as a treat. It’s so good.format_quote

    May 19th, 2024 person_outline Kacie K
    star star star star star

    format_quotestill buying half gal and a pint or two of flavored every week. delicious and reliable.format_quote

    February 20th, 2024 person_outline Sandra M
    star star star star star

    format_quoteOh my gosh! Best milk ever. Flavor was fresh and delicious.format_quote

    December 21st, 2023 person_outline Sharon F
    star star star star star

    format_quoteRich delicious milkformat_quote

    November 7th, 2023 person_outline William B
    star star star star star

    format_quoteMilk was creamy and delicious! Will be coming back for more!format_quote

    October 19th, 2023 person_outline Bonnie B
    star star star star star

    format_quoteWe purchase 2 gallons every week. This milk is delicious and have never experienced it going bad. Well worth the price.format_quote

    July 28th, 2023 person_outline Patricia H
    star star star_outline star_outline star_outline

    format_quoteOurs went sour a week after delivery and 5 days before sell by date.format_quote

    July 14th, 2023 person_outline Mark C
    star star star star star

    format_quoteall of New Horizons milks are delicious. we keep a half gal going at all times and my son likes to take pints[various flavors] in his lunch.format_quote

    June 21st, 2023 person_outline Sandra M
    star star star star star

    format_quoteWonderful! And thank you for offering in smaller sizesformat_quote

    May 16th, 2023 person_outline Pamela Y
    star star star star star

    format_quoteMy family owned a dairy farm in Franklin Co (L&J Farms). Until the 80's, the farmers who milked and ran our farm brought us fresh milk every morning. This is what milk is suppose to taste like. Oh its soo good. 1 gal lasted 2 days (1 person)format_quote

    April 8th, 2023 person_outline Michelle U
    star star star star star

    format_quoteMy first comment to my husband... this milk actually has flavor! Store bought is so bland and tastes like nothing.format_quote

    February 26th, 2023 person_outline Larissa R View Reply
    star star star star star

    format_quoteIt made great yogurtformat_quote

    February 25th, 2023 person_outline Karen R View Reply
    star star star star star

    format_quoteBest Milk I have ever had!! 🐮format_quote

    February 25th, 2023 person_outline Sara S View Reply
    star star star star star

    format_quoteBest milk since my childhood and a true LOCAL product from our own community. Thank you!format_quote

    October 22nd, 2022 person_outline Connie R View Reply
    star star star star_outline star_outline

    format_quoteMine went sour 1 week after deliveryformat_quote

    April 1st, 2022 person_outline Kathleen M.
    star star star star star

    format_quoteBest milk I’ve had since having it at my grandparents homes. They both milked their cow every day. Thanks for the joy of wonderful memories and getting great milk again! Denise V. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️#5format_quote

    January 20th, 2022 person_outline Denise V. View Reply
    star star star star star

    format_quoteBest mk I have had since being on the farm as a happy to find such wholesome good milk again!format_quote

    September 21st, 2021 person_outline Carol H. View Reply
    star star star star star

    format_quoteBest milk we have ever had. New to the area and used to have other company delivering milk which was better than what the grocery stores had, but this is definitely better.format_quote

    September 5th, 2021 person_outline Mike H. View Reply
    star star star star star

    format_quoteLove the milk and the butter from your farm!format_quote

    August 2nd, 2021 person_outline shawna f. View Reply
    star star star star star

    format_quoteWe don't typically drink cow's milk as a beverage in our household, but this milk is so good we've all had glasses here and there. format_quote

    August 1st, 2021 person_outline Courtney L. View Reply
    star star star star star

    format_quoteSo creamy, flavorful and full of happy cow taste!! We've tried multiple vendors, New Horizon is hands-down, our family's favorite!!!! format_quote

    June 26th, 2021 person_outline Wendy S. View Reply
    star star star star star

    format_quoteVery creamy format_quote

    May 4th, 2021 person_outline Cheryl M.
    star star star star star


    May 2nd, 2021 person_outline Judy H.
    star star star star star

    format_quoteExcellent taste, been ordering for a few weeks now. Keep up the good work !!format_quote

    February 18th, 2021 person_outline Casey T.
    star star star star star

    format_quoteWonderful, creamy, delicious milk! Highly recommend! format_quote

    January 31st, 2021 person_outline Kate . View Reply
    star star star star star

    format_quoteMilky Cold Awesomeness! Just so good! This was the perfect grab and go breakfast partner!! Thanks New Horizon Dairy!!format_quote

    January 28th, 2021 person_outline Angela W. View Reply
    star star star star star

    format_quoteWe love this milk. My kids won’t drink grocery store milk after trying it. format_quote

    January 3rd, 2021 person_outline Christy D. View Reply
    star star star star star

    format_quoteMilk tastes great, and the low-temperature pasteurization is perfect for making cheese!format_quote

    July 20th, 2020 person_outline Allycia G.
    star star star star star

    format_quoteJust tastes so much better than the grocery store milk! Delicious!!! format_quote

    June 28th, 2020 person_outline Lori P.
    star star star star star

    format_quoteThank you for adding a gallon size to the options as it gets us through the week between Market Wagon orders! Never going back to the grocery store for milk...format_quote

    May 13th, 2020 person_outline Lacie W. View Reply
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